Misdemeanor DEFENSEOur firm fights diligently from arraignment to disposition for all types of misdemeanors in municipal, state, and federal courts. We have frequently represented Assault, Commercial License Required, Driving While License Suspended, False Statement to Public Servant, Hit and Run, Malicious Mischief, Negligent Driving, Theft, Obstructing Law Enforcement Officer, Operating Vehicle without Ignition Interlock, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Trespassing, Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substances charges. Our firm has frequently obtained dismissal and reduction of our clients' criminal charges.
DUI DEFENSEOur firm has frequently represented DUI, Physical Control, and Reckless Driving charges. These charges can involve alcohol, prescribed or non-prescribed drugs, cannabis, etc. Convictions can result in jail, expensive penalties, and the loss of your driving privilege. Our firm can successfully guide you through the complex DUI process.
FELONY DEFENSEOur firm handles felonies at the Superior Court and Federal levels. Whether related to drugs, domestic violence, violent crimes, or white collar, our firm has the pedigree to offer expertise defense.
TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS (TICKETS)Our firm contests Speeding, HOV Violation, Red Light, Stop Sign, Unsafe Lane Change, Failure to Signal, Failure to Yield, Speed Too Fast For Conditions, Following Too Close, and Negligent Driving, etc. Do not pay the infraction just to make it to go away. A committed finding will be reported to the DOL and is visible on your driving record to insurance companies. This will increase your insurance premiums. We have vast knowledge of the infraction rules and have successfully protected the driving records and insurance rates of thousands of satisfied clients.
Commercial Driver LIcenseIf you hold a Commercial Driver License, an accident or traffic infraction may jeopardize your license. CDL holders must be extremely vigilant when it comes to any traffic offenses on their driving records. The DOL may revoke your CDL or an employer can cite your driving record as a basis for employment. Unfortunately, your options in court are limited since CDL holders are not eligible for a deferred finding and prosecutors generally consider negotiating a CDL case as "Federal Masking". If you are a commercial driver who must protect your livelihood, please contact us today.
DOL ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGIf charged with a DUI , the Department of Licensing will automatically suspend your license unless you request a DOL Hearing within 7 days of the alleged violation date. This civil proceeding is independent from the criminal court case. A license suspension can require and ignition interlock and expensive SR22 insurance premiums.
CAR ACCIDENTSIf you or a family member have been injured in a car accident, do not sign or accept any settlement offers until we have carefully reviewed your case. Handling an insurance claim on your own without an attorney carries its risks. We offer a guarantee that if we don't collect monetary compensation for you, then you are not required to pay an attorney fee.
Dog BitesThe physical and emotional scarring from a dog bite can be extremely traumatic. Our office has the knowledge and experience to ensure that the dog's owner is held accountable and that you receive fair compensation. Call us for a free evaluation of your case.
Firearms RestorationS and conviction vacationsIf you have been previously convicted of a crime then you may have lost your right to possess a firearm. Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible to have your firearms right restored or conviction vacated. Call us today for assistance with all types of post-sentencing issues.