CRIMINAL DEFENSEOur firm offers representation for all misdemeanors and felonies in municipal, state, and federal courts. We fight diligently from arraignment to disposition. We have frequently represented Assault, Commercial License Required, Driving While License Suspended, False Statement to Public Servant, Hit and Run, Malicious Mischief, Negligent Driving, Theft, Obstructing Law Enforcement Officer, Operating Vehicle without Ignition Interlock, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Trespassing, Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substances charges. Our winning track record in the community and in the court system speaks for itself.
DUI DEFENSEWe represent all DUI, Physical Control, or Reckless Driving charges whether they involve alcohol, prescribed or non-prescribed drugs, or cannabis. These charges can result in jail, expensive penalties, and the loss of your driving privilege. We offer peace of mind knowing you have experienced advocates fighting for you.
DOL ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGHas the Department of Licensing proposed a license suspension? If charged with a DUI, the Department of Licensing will automatically suspend your license unless you request an DOL Hearing within 7 days of the alleged violation date. This case is completely separate from the criminal court case. We offer representation for DOL Hearings.
TRAFFIC INFRACTIONSHave you been cited with Speeding, HOV Violation, Red Light, Stop Sign, Unsafe Lane Change, Failure to Signal, Failure to Yield, Speed Too Fast For Conditions, Following Too Close, Negligent Driving? DO NOT pay the ticket just to make it to go away! A committed finding will be reported to the DOL and will be visible on your driving record. This will lead to higher long-term insurance premiums. With experience as a former traffic infraction prosecutor, we have vast knowledge of the infraction rules and have saved the driving records and insurance rates of thousands of satisfied clients. Currently, we have a 99.3% success rate contesting traffic tickets (58.5% dismissed, 39.1% amended to a non-moving infraction, or 1.7% deferred).
Commercial Driver LIcenseDo you hold a Commercial Driver License? Has an accident or traffic ticket put your commercial driving career in jeopardy? CDL holders must be extremely vigilant when it comes to any traffic offenses on their driving records. The DOL may revoke your CDL or an employer can use your driving record as a basis for employment. Also, your options in court are even more limited since CDL holders are not eligible for a deferred finding and prosecutors have biased views towards them. If you are a commercial driver who must protect your livelihood, please contact us today.
Firearms Restoration, eXPUNGEMENTS, VACATIONS, and sealsNeed your firearms rights restored? We have extensive knowledge of the Second Amendment of the United States. Do you have a prior conviction that you want to have vacated? Do you have non-conviction data that needs to be expunged? Due to recent legislation, current law-abiding citizens are no longer limited to only one vacated conviction. Call us today for assistance with your post-sentencing issues.
Protection ordersAre you dealing with a stalker or an ex who won't leave you alone? Is your unreasonable neighbor harassing you? Any conduct between parties that serves no lawful purpose and are intended to annoy or harass are against the law. We have extensive experience representing petitioners in protection orders. Don't sit on your legal rights. Have you been served with a frivolous protection order? We have successfully obtained many dismissals for our respondent clients. We understand that these protection order proceedings can be a very daunting and stressful experience. We're here to help you fight these matters whether your are seeking protection or trying to protect your reputation.